7 Essential Soft Skills that Will Help Insurance Sales Agents THRIVE
* Communication
Insurance sales agents have to work with clients day in and out. As an agent, you are responsible for multiple things, and thus you must always be communicating.
Insurance sales agents must communicate in a way that ensures that the clients are well informed. As an expert, you must be able to get information across the table accurately and concisely using this soft skill.
* Listening skills
You, as an insurance sales agent, must know the needs of your clients. But how can you do it? By listening, of course!
You need excellent listening skills to understand the needs of customers. It helps you relate to people. Interact with them ways in which makes them feel valued
* Interpersonal skills
Just like any other skill, interpersonal skills are equally crucial for insurance sales agents. For you to sell your policies, establish a good rapport with your clients. Get your listening skills into action, understand their needs, and make them choose you as a client.
An undervalued skill is body language, which must project confidence.
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Yonatan Zunger johnronand Reade Milner Gemma Gould Josh Ling
Originally published at https://agencyheight.com on December 20, 2019.