How To Stand Out In the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Niche?
“Prevention is better than cure.”
Emphasis on risk management is a must when you’re advocating for your clients. Help your clients prevent workers’ compensation claims from happening in the first place itself.
Risk reduction/prevention and saving costs should have a focus on these areas:
Safety and compliance regulations in the workplace will dramatically decrease the chances of workers’ compensation claims.
According to OSHA, employers pay almost $1 billion per week for workers’ compensation costs.
Similarly, if your client has a long history of workers’ compensation claims, carriers might even be reluctant to renew the policy.
Premiums will also be higher for clients with poor workers’ compensation claims history.
Help your client understand this.
Hiring inadequate employees for massive physical works will increase the exposure to risks and chances of workers’ compensation claims.
Your client turning a blind eye for strict hiring standards could expose their company to workers’ compensation claims more.
Pre examinations, especially for physical jobs, should be a must for clients reaching out for workers’ compensation insurance.
Your job as an independent agent is not to get your client their workers’ compensation claim paid. It’s to get the injured employee back to work, so your client is not paying for it.
Ring suggests a back-to-work program for injured employees.
Sending the injured at an occupational medical center or a physician who understands workers’ compensation insurance is much better than to a family physician.
You should suggest your clients help their employees get back on their feet.
For instance, don’t strain the injured employee, but don’t let them get out of work.
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Bill Liu Nikki Kardar Nico Vargas Steven Hather Steve Tunstall
Originally published at on December 17, 2019.