Leads For Insurance: A Comprehensive Lead Generation Guide
Networking in Events
Events hosted around you present an excellent opportunity for getting insurance leads. First, you should asses the relevancy of the event . For example, if you specialize in auto insurance, you c ould attend car shows and similar events to find potential leads for insurance.
While approaching potential insurance leads in events, you should consider how to present yourself. Often, this requires some advance preparation.
A few things to remember -
- Know what the event is about, and who the key players are before you go
- Research latest trends so you have something to talk about
- Remember that your objective is to collect data, not getting insurance sales
Talk to potential leads for insurance, find out the problems they are facing, and research the solutions. Approach your contacts later with the solutions that you’ve gathered. Once you’ve established rapport and built trust, then try to make insurance sales.
Direct referrals
Referrals are the holy grail of insurance sales since it means that your customer base is expanding on its own .
Getting people to refer your services to insurance leads isn’t something you can force. You will have to let it happen naturally. However, there are several things you can do to accelerate the insurance sales process.
- Find out who among your circle might have a relevant connection
- Never ask for a referral upfront.
- If you refer the services of other professionals in your network, it’s likely they’ll return the favor.
- Provide excellent service to the network you already have.
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Ryan Badger Marie Biondolillo Nick Wells Reade Milner Breathe Life
Originally published at https://agencyheight.com on December 3, 2019.